Each card has a 3-letter phonetic word and picture. Fill in the missing beginning sounds using the wooden Moveable Alphabet...
Each card has a 3-letter phonetic word and picture. Fill in the missing initial sounds using the wooden Moveable Alphabet...
Each card has a 3-letter phonetic word and picture. Fill in the missing initial sounds using the wooden Moveable Alphabet...
Each card has a 3-letter phonetic word and picture. Fill in the missing vowel sounds using the wooden Moveable Alphabet...
Each card has a 3-letter phonetic word and picture. Fill in the missing vowel sounds using the wooden Moveable Alphabet...
Each card has a 3-letter phonetic word and picture. Fill in the missing vowel sounds using the wooden Moveable Alphabet...
Each card has a 3-letter phonetic word and picture. Fill in the missing ending sounds using the wooden Moveable Alphabet...
Each card has a 3-letter phonetic word and picture. Fill in the missing ending sounds using the wooden Moveable Alphabet...
Each card has a 3-letter phonetic word and picture. Fill in the missing ending sounds using the wooden Moveable Alphabet...