This material includes the layout for the 1-10 square chains. Use this paper to make a bead chain chart. blank...
These cards are formatted in a 3-part card series. 3-part cards include: cards with labels cards without labels labels This...
This material offers extra practice for children who are working with the Montessori colored beads. This set includes: color bead...
This work studies the equalities and inequalities of bead bars and numbers. Use the Montessori colored bead bars and the...
Montessori colored bead bars (1-10) are used to create the addition combinations for each number from 1 to 10. The...
Labels for the cube chains (1³-10³). This set includes: labels for 1-10 cube chains 2 extra sets of labels (1...
This work includes fractions from 1 whole to 9/10 - omitting all duplicates (ie. 2/4 is the same as 1/2...
Don't have the traditional plastic wooden beads? No problem. Print out these small "chips" that have the golden beads printed...
These task cards can be used when children begin to create quantities with the golden beads. They select a task...
This set includes: unit, ten, hundred, thousand in the golden bead format. color golden beads control chart blackline master -...
This material offers extra practice for children who are working with the Montessori hanging bead stair (units and teens). This...
These cards are used with the Hundred Board and will increase the amount of time the children spend using the...
These cards are used with the Hundred Board to introduce numerical order, skip counting, number patterns, and fun designs that...
A fun group game to work on place value of ones and tens. Includes 5 sets of cards for the...
Colored bead bars (1-9) and golden beads (unit, ten, hundred, thousand). The colored beads follow the traditional Montessori colors. Includes: 14...
This set includes: 5 "more than" cards (total of 45 equations) 6 "less than" cards (total of 54 equations) Cards...
Numbers 1 through 50 are used in this beginner number bingo. Includes: Instructions on how to play caller sheet caller...
This set includes: number rods color control chart 4 versions of number rods blackline master number cards (color) for wooden...
Charts & lessons to solidify the concepts of numerical order, quantity, the association of numbers and quantities, and skip counting....
Match pictures of golden beads to numbers and words. This set includes: 36 golden bead pictures 36 number cards 36...
This set includes: Set #1: 10 cards - each with a different quantity of red circles from 0-10 10 cards...
This set includes: control chart roman numeral cards standard numerals written numerals basic facts explaining how roman numerals work The...
This set includes: 0 to 10 green number cards number outlines Two methods of preparation: Print the green number cards,...
This set includes: labels for square chains (1² - 10²) All labels are color-coded according to the Montessori bead chains....
This set gives the children extra practice at counting, labeling, and coloring the Montessori square chains. Includes: blackline masters for...
An activity set (cards) that will deepen the understanding of the teen boards and beads. Includes 5 sets: Match numeral...
Practice making teens, then count, color, and label with numbers and words. Includes: instructions teen boards and number cards color...
An activity set (cards) that will deepen the understanding of the ten boards and beads. Includes 6 sets: Match bead...
Practice making tens, then count, color, and label with numbers and words. Includes: instructions ten boards and number cards 13...
This material includes the following time formats: digital analog words Each card format includes: 12 hour clocks 12 half-hour clocks 12...