
Animal Energy (Endothermic & Ectothermic) - Blackline Masters

In the Montessori approach, studying animals aims to foster a deep respect for nature, develop empathy and responsibility, and promote scientific curiosity.

Identify, sort, and classify animals as either endotherms (warm-blooded) or ectotherms (cold-blooded). Then, verify the classification using the control chart. This is a cut & paste activity.


This set includes:

  • 7 clipart images of endothermic animals
  • 7 clipart images of ectothermic animals
  • 1 blank chart
  • 1 control chart

Contains two versions of the cut-out images: one in classified order and one in random order for added challenge.

The control chart is approx. 8½" x 11".

This file is in PDF format.

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