Connecting parts to the whole encourages children to examine amphibians thoroughly and better understand their characteristics as they relate a small section of the picture to the complete image.
Match a section of each amphibian to the whole amphibian. Check the sorting using the control chart. This set includes: frog (3), newt (3), salamander (2), toad (2), and caecilian (2).
Cards are approx. 3" x 3¾", control chart is 8½" x 11".
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The purpose of the Africa vertebrate sorting lesson in a Montessori context is to help children identify, sort, and classify...
The purpose of the Africa vertebrate sorting lesson in a Montessori context is to help children identify, sort, and classify...
The purpose of the Africa vertebrate sorting lesson in a Montessori context is to help children identify, sort, and classify...