
I Have, Who Has Game - Montessori Materials

The "I Have, Who Has" game, when adapted for a Montessori classroom, reinforces learning and encourages active participation. It focuses on skills such as language, and reading while promoting social interaction and listening skills.

Includes two sets of 21 cards with the following: pink tower, cylinder block, color tablets, flags, geometric solids, dressing frame, broad stair, touch boards, sound boxes, binomial cube, sandpaper numbers, number rods, color globe, bead chains, moveable alphabet, spindle boxes, blue triangles, puzzle map, metal insets, and sandpaper letters.
The sets of cards come in 2 formats:
  • 1 set has pictures with labels
  • 1 set has pictures without labels
Cards are approx. 3¼" x 2½".

This file is in PDF format.

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