Primary Grammar

Detective Adjective Game & Instructions - Outlines

The Montessori Detective Adjective Game is designed to help children understand the role of adjectives by using them to identify specific geometric shapes, such as triangles, from a larger group. This approach teaches children the "detective power" of adjectives while also aiding in the identification of triangles.

Save printer ink and print these triangle outlines on color paper. Paper required: 3 sheets each of red, yellow, and blue.

This set includes:

  • instructions on how to play the Detective Adjective Game
  • 63 triangles of 7 different types, prepared according to size, color, distinctions of sides and angles


  • small, medium, large
  • red, yellow, blue
  • isosceles - acute, right angle, obtuse angle
  • scalene - acute, right angle, obtuse angle
  • equilateral

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