The official trees of the 50 states of the USA.
Includes 3-part cards:
Includes a second set of cards showing a close-up of the leaves/needles of each tree.
Cards with labels are approx. 3½" x 3¼", cards without labels are approx. 1" shorter.
This file is in PDF format.
$5.50 $6.00
The study of biomes is essential for understanding ecology. It helps children learn about the plants and animals in each...
This set includes the following leaf shapes: acerose (also called aciculate), cordate, cuneate, deltoid, elliptical, fan-shaped, hastate, lanceolate, linear, obcordate,...
This set includes 18 labeled shapes for the trays of the botany cabinet. Leaf shapes included: acerose (also called aciculate), cordate, cuneate,...