The equation slips, designed to be used with the operations materials, provides hands-on practice with operation equations. This helps children develop a concrete understanding of math concepts rather than relying on rote memorization.
This set includes:
- 90 addition equation slips. The sum is never greater than 18. These slips are to be used with the Addition Strip Board.
- 90 subtraction equation slips. The difference is never greater than 9. These slips are to be used with the Subtraction Strip Board.
- 90 multiplication equation slips. The product is never greater than 81. These slips are to be used with the Montessori Multiplication Charts.
- 70 division equation slips. The quotient is never greater than 9. They are to be used with the Montessori Unit Division Board.
These slips are approximately 2cm x 4.5cm.
All files are in PDF format. The download is a zip file you must 'unzip' before using the individual PDFs.
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