Sound games are essential in preparing the child for language. These activities are the foundation for the phonetic system of reading that is used in the Montessori method. The idea behind playing sound games is to bring to the child’s awareness that every word is full of many components or sounds. This material focuses on phonograms (2 letters that make 1 sound). These mats can be used for teaching phonogram sounds, vocabulary enrichment, and sorting & classification of sounds.
The following phonograms are included: sh-, -sh, ch-, -ch, th-, -th, ph-, -ph, qu, oy, ee, oa, ie, ai, ea, oo, oo, ue, ar, er, au, ow, ow, or, ay, and aw.
Includes 3 variations of the same mats:
Each mat prints on 8½" x 11" paper. Individual cards are approx. 2" x 2½".
This file is in PDF format.
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