Classified cards introduce new words and concepts, expanding a child's vocabulary and world knowledge by associating pictures with labels.
Includes 14 types of rays and skates: bullseye electric ray, cownose ray, leopard whipray, whiptail ray, spiny butterfly ray, spotted eagle ray, manta ray, shovelnose guitarfish, sawfish, barndoor skate, pacific electric ray, longnose skate, thorny skate, and winter skate.
Cards with labels are approx. 3½" x 3¼", cards without labels are approx. 1" shorter.
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Classified cards introduce new words and concepts, expanding a child's vocabulary and world knowledge by associating pictures with labels. Include...
Classified cards introduce new words and concepts, expanding a child's vocabulary and world knowledge by associating pictures with labels. Includes...
Classified cards introduce new words and concepts, expanding a child's vocabulary and world knowledge by associating pictures with labels. Includes...